Friday, September 26, 2008
eh... i really can't wait for after exams.. there will be so much free time XD lol anyway I really dunno wat to say... haha go look at rey's blog, yesterday was a joke, wei ren's corporate t-shirt dropped down the ledge outside our classroom and joshua finally pushed it out of the ledge with this really long stick which i think is from the scouts supply :P ya so, later wei ren when downstairs to pick the shirt up and he came back up and washed it then later he went to my table and put the t-shirt on my stuff on my table -.- (the t-shirt was wet and dirty cause we tried to use broom to pick it up but it ended up becoming dirty only :D) all the time when my friends hung my swimming trunks outside the window i damn heng cause my trunks never drop down... but then yesterday when Joshua hung wei ren's tshirt and it dropped down XD go see the pics on rey's blog.
a random funny pic: [reminds me of charity cafe when we did that "Everything" drink!]

Monday, September 22, 2008
a) Put your ipod on shuffle mode, then forward to the next song each question. The song title's your answer for that question.
b) Tag five people to do the quiz.
1. Nickname?
Crazy Frong - Axel F
(yeah i am crazy XD)
2. Right now you feel like:
Dear Dairy - Travis
(hmm... blogging?)
3. Favourite thing to do on weekends:
Its beginning to get to me - snow patrol
4. What was the last thing you ate?
Better together- Jack Johnson
5. Favourite subject?
Fix you - Coldplay
(I love repairing things. Lol.)
6. Your friends describe you as:
Wait a minute - The Pussy Cat Dolls
(Don't make me wait... what were you about to say about me?!?!)
7. One crazy thing you'd do any day:
I want you now - The Feeling
(hmm... finding a gf maybe)
8. One thing you wouldn't do for a million bucks:
Rule the world - Take that
(yeah right. I'll rule the world. just you wait and see)
9. Age?
Sometimes you can't make it on your own - U2
(er, at an age where i can't survive without friends?)
10. How broke are you?
Love it when you call - The feeling
(I love it when you call so that i can get money from you XD)
11. What if I said, let's go get married in Vegas. Now.
Square One - Coldplay
(lemme see... i think i'll go back to the starting)
12. Religion?
Don't lie - Black eyed peas
(ME?! lying about my religion? you're kidding)
13. What's your mood like right now?
Love you lately - Daniel Powter
(I love you... NOT)
14. One bad habit you have:
The best i've ever had - Gary Allen
(The best habit yet)
15. One thing you'd like to do before you die:
In the deep - Bird York
16. The first thing you would buy if you struck the lottery:
No tommorow - Orson
(party like there's no tomorrow XD)
17. Your favourite place to be on weekends:
La La lie - Jack's mannequin
(No idea what that means)
18. Are you more of a gambler or a dealer?
Candleburn - Dishwalla
(I've burned the bad habit of gambling)
19. Define the word "broke".
Dance Dance - Fall out Boy
(When i'm broke, I dance, yep that's how it is...)
20. Describe the person who tagged you.
Show me the money - Petey Pabloe
(She bribed me to do this :P )
haha, thnks for the quiz... pretty fun
Sunday, September 21, 2008
most likely won't be posting anything until exams are over...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Exams are coming in 2 wks time... >.< I wonder if anyone started studying yet O.o Well gd luck to everyone for the coming exams and hope that you all do well for the final exam... when all this is over than we can all play like hell... XD But for now i have no choice but to study. lol now everyone in school says that Rey's GF is Laura haha.. everyone teasing him
PS: lol this is my first proper post
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
tag me!
lol i created this blog last year but i never posted anything... I just changed the blog skin and I am planning to create my own blog skin